FDA Staff Return to Crowded Offices, Broken Equipment, and Missing Chairs | Ngn News


FDA Staff Return to Crowded Offices, Broken Equipment, and Missing Chairs

FDA staff have returned to their headquarters this week, following the government’s push to reduce the remote workforce. However, they are facing a range of challenges that have disrupted their ability to work efficiently. The transition to in-person work has been anything but smooth, with employees arriving to crowded parking lots and long security lines.

Once inside the building, many FDA:


employees were greeted with broken desks, missing chairs, and locked offices, with some staff unable to access the rooms where they were supposed to work. The situation was worsened by a shortage of essential office supplies, as employees had to move between buildings to find basic items like pads of paper.

Adding to the chaos, the FDA:Crowded

building continues to deal with a Legionella bacteria problem, which has caused significant concern over the safety of the water supply. As a result, many employees have been avoiding the building’s water sources to ensure their safety.

Despite these challenges, the FDA remains dedicated to maintaining its critical public health responsibilities while managing through these logistical issues.

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